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Monday, December 20, 2010

Welcome to Puzzlepalooza!

I have been a fan of Nikoli puzzles for some time now.  I've even ordered one of their Penpa Puzzle Mix books and have killed many rubber trees erasing and fixing mistakes, even as the pages fell out and drifted peacefully away to some blissful puzzle afterlife.  Of course, the Internet is a never ending supply of challenging puzzles, and you don't have to worry about your web pages falling out (although I've never had my Penpa book throw up a flashing page congratulating me on being its 1 millionth reader).  I've cruised several puzzle pages lately and it seems to me that the creators seem to have almost as much, if not more fun, creating the puzzles than it gave me to solve them.  So, I decided to give puzzlesmithing a try myself.  After much head scratching, crying, praying to the Puzzle Gods and presenting the required virgin paper sacrifices (good thing they were already clad in pure white), I present my first two self-made puzzles; a Slitherlink and a Fillomino.  The Fillomino is a small one and shouldn't present too much challenge, but the Slitherlink is a standard 10 x 10, and although it is not an extremely difficult one, it has its moments.  Feel free to comment, but do not post spoilers and please go easy on me; these are my first creations and they're shy little creatures.  Big, nasty comments will scare them away and likely prevent any future puzzles from coming around.  Enjoy!

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