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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nurikabe 2

I'm keeping with the golden ratio motif, but I've increased the size of the board to 15 by 24.  And I've included a hefty 27-cell "island" in the puzzle. 


cantdance said...

My rating for this nurikabe is "hard" :) Somehow I find the nurikabe on your blog the hardest but also most satisfying. Well done

James said...

Thank you. Nurikabe is one of my favorites, too. I'm glad you find them challenging.

Onelifetolive said...

This one made me want to quit and then after some time try it again.. was toying with it while working.. Definitely "hard". Especially if you are the kinds who hate to guess at puzzles.

Prasanna said...

Really nice Nurikabe. I think hard should cover it, but it was steady progress without any long periods of thinking.